I recently read about a study that was published in an issue of the Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry by the University of Montreal that suggests that compulsive behaviours like biting your nails, eye lash pulling and other repetitive body focused behaviours can point towards perfectionism as an underlying cause.
In this study, these people were generally impatient, got bored or frustrated easily.
This sparked my interest because I nail bite and pull my eyelashes, and I'm also very impatient and frustrated very easily.
I can't sit still for very long, and if I have nothing I can do to keep my mind busy, I tap my foot almost uncontrollably.
I have spent years struggling with my attempts to attain my perception of perfection.
Like most (If not all) people in the world, I do not like losing, be it in sport or life in general.
I know I go too far in the wrong way when it comes to this, however (I have friends that could tell the story of when we were playing golf on my PlayStation, and I had a hole where I kept going into the water and it frustrated me to the point where I broke my standing fan much to their delight as they thought it was pretty amusing).
Like most (If not all) people in the world, I do not like losing, be it in sport or life in general.
I know I go too far in the wrong way when it comes to this, however (I have friends that could tell the story of when we were playing golf on my PlayStation, and I had a hole where I kept going into the water and it frustrated me to the point where I broke my standing fan much to their delight as they thought it was pretty amusing).
I have been working on my issues with this, and I feel like I'm getting better; I still fidget and lose my mind when I'm stuck in situations I don't like.
I think, in some form, we are all perfectionists, and I don't believe it is that bad of a thing; we just need to understand that perfection is an unattainable goal, but if we can aim to be better than we were yesterday, the world would be a better place.
I stopped writing my novel and on here because everything I wrote wasn't perfect, and I decided to just give up.
Giving up is the worst thing any of us can do; giving up on anything (Writing, sport, relationships, etc.) is the easy way out of any situation, and we can learn a lot more from trying to get through and make the best of every situation we find ourselves in.
One of my goals going into 2016 is to actually complete my novel (And write more on here) because I cannot become a better writer and person if I just give up before I finish.
My last message doesn't let your version of perfection get in the way of being a good productive member of society.
Aim to be a better version of yourself today than the person you were yesterday, and do not give up on the things in your life, be it your job, hobbies, or people in your life; most importantly, never give up on yourself.